Girls’ National Coaches Announced!
We’re happy to announce our Girls’ National team coaches! We choose our strongest and most promising coaches for our National level teams in order to allow our players to grow to their maximum potential during the club season.
Our Flemington coaches are as follows:
13 Black: Hugh Williams
14 Black: Kirk Hissner
15 Black: Kristy Anderson
16 Black: Andrea Salazar
17 Black: Pete Desvouges
18 Black: Andrea Salazar
Our East Hanover coaches are as follows:
13 Onyx: Kyla Sebello
14 Onyx: Jessica Garreffa
15 Onyx: Abby Frech
16 Onyx: Andrea Camacho-Tenreiro
17 Onyx: Andrew Conkin
Coaches bios for our National team coaches are available on our Staff and Coaches page.
For more information on tryouts, or to register for tryouts, check out our Girls’ Tryouts page!